The Fundamentals of Mobile Web Design and Why It Matters

Ever since the world entered the Digital Age, technology and information have become more accessible. One fundamental aspect of the digital age is web design because a website has to be easily understandable for most people. When the Internet was first introduced, web design was pretty straightforward: everything was laid out on a page, and all you had to do was click on something. Today, web design is a dynamic process, and it even extends to smartphones.



Web design for smartphones is divided into two distinct categories: adaptive and responsive. The call for dynamic mobile web design became a necessity because there are many kinds of smartphones, meaning every website must cater to every user’s device. While both categories of mobile design are different, there’s still a great deal of confusion surrounding them.



In this article, we’ll discuss mobile web design and why it matters. Read on below to learn more.



More about Adaptive Web Design 



The term “adaptive web design” was first coined by web designer Aaron Gustafson in 2011. The primary aspect of adaptive web design is that it has different fixed layout sizes. When a website detects the available space, it chooses the best possible layout to fit the screen.



Think of it this way: when you open a browser on mobile, it resizes it without affecting the design. In mobile-adaptive design, six primary screen widths are used: 320, 480, 760, 960, 1200, and 1600 pixels.



More about Responsive Design



Web developer Ethan Marcotte coined the term “responsive design.” As the name suggests, responsive web design responds to changes in a browser’s width by modifying the design to fit in the user’s screen.



In general, responsive design is pretty straightforward. Because of its fluidity, it makes any website easily accessible by users. On mobile, the response is automatic because the website immediately checks for available space and shows itself in the best possible way.



What Should You Use?



Mobile web design is a crucial matter because it also encompasses the user interface. If the design of a website for mobile is understandable for users, they will stay on the site for longer, which helps build a positive user experience. Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer regarding the question of what’s better between the two. For this reason, your choice of web design principles all boils down to what’s needed.



Adaptive design makes a website mobile-friendly, allowing you to have creative freedom to adapt it for various devices. It’s also more time-consuming because you’ll start by using a low-resolution viewport and work your way up to ensure that the content isn’t cramped due to the re-design. To make things easier, you can use web analytics tools to see the most commonly used devices and design your website for them.



On the other hand, responsive web design is relatively easier to work on because designers don’t have to write lengthy codes, so less work comes into controlling the layout. As a result, it’s easier to build and maintain. Responsive web design is the recommended method for web design, but we repeat: it depends on your website’s needs.



Their Advantages Over Each Other



Like many decisions you must make for your business, adaptive and responsive designs have advantages and disadvantages. These are:



Adaptive Design Pros



  • Better control for device-appropriate UX
  • Advertising can be optimised



Adaptive Design Cons



  • Longer to build
  • Devices change screen sizes too often, which can sometimes break the design
  • Not SEO-friendly



Responsive Design Pros



  • Different templates can be used
  • Easier to make
  • SEO-friendly



Responsive Design Cons



  • Advertisements will be lost
  • Less creative freedom on screen size design control
  • Longer mobile download times






Mobile web design has to be taken seriously because most users use their mobile phones to browse the web. If a website has a poor design on mobile, they will find a better website that they think will suit them better, which makes you lose out on business.



Spectra Digital Marketing offers top-quality services for web design in Berwick. The key to growth for any website is having an appealing and understandable design that will attract customers, and we will be glad to assist in helping you achieve your digital marketing goals. Contact us today to learn more!


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