How to Utilise SEO Effectively to Increase Website’s Traffic

Did you know that 75 per cent of users never scroll past the first page of search results? If you are an e-commerce website, you won’t gain a chance in making your website visible to your target audience if they cannot see you on the search results page. All businesses that own a website must have a goal of being on the top search engine to get the most out of their sites. You need to make some efforts to reach the top of the ladder. 

Fortunately, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can help you reach the first position on Google’s organic search results. Here are things you can do to utilise SEO correctly and effectively: 

1. Optimise Keywords for Your Website

Your SEO will not work if you don’t include any keywords. Keywords are the primary element of SEO. In order to effectively use SEO, you need to search for keywords relevant to your business. You can find keywords relevant to your business by doing careful research and using tools. Start by writing down keywords that are related to the business. Then, see if it answers your audiences’ queries whenever they type it in the search engine box. There are other ways to find keywords for your topics, such as Google searches, Q&A websites and using the Keyword Planner by Google. 

After you’ve done your keyword research, it’s ideal to include carefully designed keywords on every page of your website. This way, you can make more impact on Google’s search engine algorithms. 

2. Optimise Your Website’s Title Tags

Optimising your title tags is another way to make your SEO more effective. It’s one of the elements that search engine algorithms analyse to position your website among similar posts. For Google to analyse your content or website quickly, you must include keywords on your title tags as well. You may also include your brand name to make it easier for readers to recognise who owns the content. Just remember to create compelling headlines that will steer the interest and curiosity of potential readers, so you can successfully engage them to your website. 

3. Include Meta Descriptions

While it doesn’t precisely influence your SEO, meta descriptions are still helpful to make readers visit your website. Aside from the headlines, most users read meta descriptions before clicking the title they see on the search results. So if you want to increase your website’s traffic, include meta descriptions to serve as your call-to-action booster. 

4. Only Publish High-Quality Content

Your SEO will only work if your content is relevant for the readers. Remember that your content must be informative. It should answer the audiences’ queries and somehow solve their problems. If you don’t publish relevant and high-quality content, chances are users will not click on your site, or they will exit your page once they realise that your content is not helpful. If they leave your page without visiting any other pages on your website, you’ll gain high bounce rates, affecting your search ranking negatively. 


SEO is one of the most effective ways to increase the traffic on your website. However, you must know how to use it effectively to gain desirable results. Hopefully, this guide can help you create an effective SEO strategy that can increase your website’s traffic. Once you’ve earned many site visitors, you’ll gain an opportunity to convert the traffic into sales. 

Are you looking for the best digital marketing agency in Melbourne to help you with your SEO strategies? Spectra Digital Marketing can provide you with SEO campaigns tailored to improve your site’s organic visibility aggressively. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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