6 SEO Myths Debunked: Protect Yourself from Misinformation

In a digital world where every business wants to get ahead in search engine rankings, search engine optimisation (SEO) remains an important strategy for strengthening online presence. Unfortunately, many myths are surrounding it, even among marketing experts. This is primarily because of Google’s ever-changing algorithms. To ensure you know the latest about SEO, we debunked some of the most common misconceptions about it:

Myth #1: More Content Is Better

Content is king, but bombarding your website with too much of it is not a good idea. Search engines prioritise quality over quantity. For example, if you post generalised information and spun content regularly, it’s a waste of time and effort since search engines pay less attention to that. For this reason, it’s better to post less content as long as it brings value to your audience. 

Myth #2: Respinning and Repurposing Content Are the Same

Repurposing and respinning content are similar, which is why it’s easy to have these terms used interchangeably. However, they are not the same. Repurposing content means using well-performing content and posting it on different platforms to engage more users. In contrast, respinning content refers to changing the title and some wordings of existing well-performing content to present it as a new one.

Users don’t like repackaged content, which is why you will be pushed down in the rankings if you do this. If you decide to use your already existing content to promote it further, you can just update it and create a new marketing strategy for it.

Myth #3: The More Backlinks, The Better

Backlinks help establish your credibility. When other websites link back to your website, they refer you for your quality information, products, and services. While they play a major role in your organic rankings, search engines don’t just consider the number of backlinks.  To measure your authority more accurately, they also check the credibility of the websites you’re getting links from. This is why having hundreds of backlinks from low authority sites won’t give you your desired results.

Myth #4: Top-Level Domains Affect Rankings

Top-level domains (TLDs) are the extensions that come after domain names. The most commonly used one is .com. Other TLDs are .net, .org, .edu, and .gov. Others are rarely used, like .guru, .biz, and .online. While they may confuse users, you have the option to still get them because they don’t affect search engine rankings. 

Myth #5: All Domain Names Must Contain a Keyword

Incorporating relevant keywords into your content can help boost your rankings, but it’s unnecessary to insert them everywhere. Keyword stuffing will lead your landing page to be penalised so keywords have to sound natural when in use. Because of this, don’t let this myth restrict you from choosing a meaningful and understandable domain.

Myth #6: Meta Titles and Descriptions Influence Rankings

Meta titles and descriptions were previously used to determine rankings, but they are no longer a ranking factor. However, it’s still important to optimise them for users to get indirect ranking benefits.


Many SEO myths originate from the algorithm’s ever-changing way of ranking sites in search results. It evolves every day, and it can often be stressful to keep up with the trends all the time. Thankfully, you don’t have to do this on your own. Consider teaming up with a digital marketing agency with SEO specialists to get your expected results.

If you’re looking for the best seo agency in Berwick, turn to Spectra Digital Marketing. We can help you build long-term authority and drive measurable results for your business. Contact us to get a quote!

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